
The first step in fixing our broken immigration system is to secure our border. I will work with other members of Congress to help President Trump finish building the border wall and close immigration loopholes. I will stand firm against sanctuary city policies that weaken our nation's security. Democrats use immigration as a political ploy for fundraising dollars, but I will actually work to fix the problem.


I will be a strong voice for farmers in the 2nd Congressional District. If elected, I will fight for programs that promote sustainable and profitable agriculture in Alabama and will make sure that our farmers are fairly represented on the Agriculture Committee.

Supporting Our Veterans

As the daughter of a veteran, I know the sacrifices our men and women in uniform make to keep our country safe and our freedoms secure. My father was proud to work at Maxwell Airforce Base for over 20 years. Making sure the country our heroes served serves them when they come home, will be one of my top priorities. 

Fight Common Core

I am opposed to Common Core. I support school choice because parents know what is best for their children and should be able to choose what school best serves their educational needs.

Standing Up to Socialism

As a high school student, I was chosen for a student exchange program to Russia where I was able to see first-hand the atrocities of socialism. The push for socialism in our own country today is not only short-sighted - it threatens our very way of life. I will stand up to far-left politicians who want to trade our country's promise of the American dream for the false promises of socialism.

2nd Amendment

When liberal elite politicians try to take our guns, I will be a firm line of defense and will never waver in the fight to protect our 2nd Amendment rights.


I will be a fearless Christian conservative in Congress representing Alabama's values in Washington, D.C. As Democrats across the country advocate for abortion up until the moment of birth, we need leaders who will stand up for the rights of the unborn.

Jobs and the Economy

I will be a tireless advocate for President Trump's America First Agenda. I will work to make the president's tax cuts permanent, fight onerous government regulation, and support the president's efforts to make our trade deals free but fair.

Religious Freedom

I am a strong advocate for Religious Freedom. As the former Director of the Office of Faith-Based & Community Initiatives for the Governor of Alabama, and a former nominee for the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, I have fought for religious freedom my entire career.


I am pro-Israel. Alabama was the first state to officially call for Israel to be established as the Jewish state and homeland and I will stand with Israel in times of aggression.